Kenalilah Nasab

" Kenalilah nasab keturunan kamu yang membawa kepada silaturrahim ( kasih sayang ) " - Riwayat Al Imam Tarmizi ( Ibnu Kathir, vol. 4 ms.218 ).


Selasa, 24 Mac 2009

Petuo Uci Tuo

"Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while.....but our hearts forever"

Uci Mahani and I, photo taken during Eidul Fitri 2008 by Pak Long, in Batu Tiga (Temoh), Perak.

Mahani has endured so much pain and turbulence in her life. Now aged 94, she is greatful to Allah for gracing her the strenght and wisdom of a woman. She has endured the greatest fear of a mother when her son and daugther-in-law died in a car crash, less than 1km away from her home. It was very tragic. When the pain of the lost lingers in her mind, she would shed tears, for who could ever endure the death of your child. The bitter sweet memories of feeding your child, changing the diapers and holding his tiny hand when crossing the roads, stab your lonely hearts like a dagger. I know how it feels as I am a mother too.

Uci, as her grandchildren fondly call her, is a Ravanese. I have been told by a friend, who is also a Ravanese, that women of this race are perfectionists. They have also very strong will power and are excellent homemakers. Well, I do not know how far that is true, but it is fair to state here that my Uci possesses all of these qualities. Honestly, I have been so many times reprimanded by Uci for being unladylike, well..what to do, I am only a quarter Ravanese.

Indeed, lessons in life are best acquired through observation. Since young, I have seen Uci managing her family with intelligence and grace. She does not have to be a degree holder to have her children to be very successful in life. She believes in the wholesome goodness of home food and everything homemade. She demands precision in doing house chores as she believes, every virtue starts from home. A mother must sow, in the hearts of her children, the seeds of love and faith to Allah, for that would be the guiding light in life.

I have personally learnt a lot of things from her. Here I would like to share some of them. In order to make it more expressive (as she speaks Ravanese not English), I will try my best to write in Bahasa Melayu with hints of Ravanese.

1. Uci is blessed with beautiful skin, when asked about her secret for having such flawless skin, she replied, "Indo berasio, pakei la bodak sojuk Uci buek ke..". Translation: Mana ada berahsia, pakailah bedak sejuk yang Uci buat tu. Before she became immobile, she used to prepare homemade 'bedak sejuk' . This is done by soaking rice in a clay pot for three years. As she is very particular about cleanliness, she would regularly rinse the soaked rice. Uci's 'bedak sejuk' is perfumed with "Cologne Nyonya Kembar', pandanus leaves and jasmine. She would supply us with her bedak whenever we visit her, but we have to promise not to snack on them. (My mama loves to snack on her bedak sejuk).

2. Never to bathe after 5pm, as she believes it is bad to bathe when it is almost dusk or worst, after dark.

3. On tips to restore the freshness of your vegies in the fridge, she advises, "Kao keno rajen membaluit sayor dongen keroteh, lopeh tu dibungkuih dongen pelestik". Translation: To maintain the freshness of your vegies, you must wrap them up with papers and later wrap them in individual plastic bags. I have improvised this practice by labelling my vegies after wrapping them up.

4. Uci's green coloured syrup is the best in the world. It slates your thirst in so many a hot afternoons.

5. On our effort to reduce sugar and salt in our cookings (in the name of healthy life style), she commented, "Ondek, biya la laki kao maken yang sodop, jangen lah dikurangken gulo atau garom, indo beraso apo-apo teh kao masak..". Translation: You are a lousy cook as your food is tasteless..hahahha. Joking. (Ondek is an expression to indicate surprise).

6. When drying out clothes in the Sun, one must make sure that they are hung according to the types, that is all shirts must be in one line, whereas pants in another. Do not mix everything up. Personally, I do adhere to this. I just hate to see my clothesline unorganized.

7. Leftover rice or pulut must never be thrown away. One must dry it out in the Sun and fry it to become delicious snacks. She believes that it is "berdoso kao membuang nasik".

8. On my wedding day, Uci told me a secret, she said, "Kao Ida, keno bangun copek, toruih mandi, bebodak, jangen kao bagi Sazeli tengok kao bolum mandi rambuit indo bersikek. Potang kao besiop la copek, bilo pulang si Sazeli, jangen memarah..". Translation: Ida, you must wake up early and groom yourself, do not allow Suzalie (my hubby) to see you in a mess. In the evenings, get yourself ready before he is home. When he is home, don't you nag at him. Yea, I am a firm believer in this too.

9. When asked how she maintains such excellent memory despite of her age, she said by reciting the Qur'an daily.

10. Uci cooks the best "ayom masak lomak" in the world. She used to share the recipe, even demonstrated the whole process. But when I tried to cook it at home, it tasted really different..tak sodop..hahaha.

Those are some of the things I've learnt from my Uci, there are other more, but I guess I'd better keep them here in my heart. She has become quite frail now, due to her age. Her memory slips sometimes, but she never forgets me and my hubby. I never get to tell her that I love her so much, the last time I saw her she was down with high fever. Her internal organs are failling, one by one. She is not suffering any sickness or disease, she is holding on to her life like a fighter. This life, she has is a good one, and we are thankful, as she has sown within our hearts the seeds of love that will flourish for generations.

6 ulasan:

  1. ada persamaan dengan peristiwa waris saya Kak Jah Jani dan suaminya Cikgu Razdi Abd Hamid yang meninggal dalam kemalangan jalanraya beberapa tahun lalu....

  2. salam..benzainal,

    Such a small world, arwah Cikgu Radzi was my beloved uncle. He was killed in an accident, Mak Ngah (arwah Lijah) too, died in the crash.

    I regret that I was unable to attend to the funeral as I was abroad. I did visit Arwah Ayah Ngah in Sungkai masa Eidul Fitri, less then a month before the fatal crash.

    Al-Fatihah to the two arwah..I trully miss them, especially the ever so jovial Mak Ngah.

  3. Maaf Tuan Jari,

    Saya masuk ke sini tak beri salam pada tuan rumah..maaf terlampau teruja dgn comment benzainal..:)

  4. Saya mohon maaf kerana copy & paste entry berkenaan tanpa terlebih dahulu meminta kebenaran. Bagaimanapun saya berpendapat artikel ini penting disiarkan kerana ada unsur-unsur rao di dalamnya. Blog sekondakhati ini khas untuk etnik Rao mengikat tali silaturrahim walaupun kito jauh beribu batu.

  5. memang botol kau kato tu...Uci aku meninggal umur kalau tak ikuit IC 108tahun. Arwah Uci aku Hajjah Kamariah Binti Haji Rawi. Bidan di Tg. Malim ( Kg. Kubu ) Banyak petuo nya...Pasal bodak sojuk tu aku setuju sobab koci2 dulu aku yang menjomor nyo di atas zink...

    Yang pasti Uci aku bangun pagi mesti bersonam setongah jam....

    Petuo nya banyak...yang aku ingat dio banyak kelobihan...Al-fatihah buat Uci Aku.

  6. "Petua Uci Tuo" refers to traditional wisdom passed down through generations 10 Best Online from health remedies to practical advice.


Kisah dolu-dolu

Pemikiran Politik dalam Novel Ahmad Boestamam

Title : Pemikiran Politik dalam Novel Ahmad Boestamam

Author : Zabidin Haji Ismail
ISBN : 978-983-100-439-5
Year Publish : 2010
Page Number : 160
Category : General

Price: 30.00

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Ahmad Boestamam menguasai tiga bidang yang berbeza – politik, kewartawanan dan sasterawan – dan tersohor kerana ketiga-tiganya. Melalui pengalaman dan penglibatannya dalam bidang politik, Ahmad Boestamam menterjemahkan pemikiran politik ke dalam novel tulisannya. Penampilan pemikiran politik itu disimpulkan mengandungi tiga aspek iaitu nasionalisme, antikolonialisme dan sosialisme. Ketiga-tiga aspek pemikiran itu pula mempunyai perkaitan antara satu sama lain yang disampaikan dalam bentuk mesej yang digarap dalam novel.
Buku ini berasaskan kajian tekstual dan kontekstual dengan tumpuan pada sepuluh buah novel Ahmad Boestamam. Teks novel tersebut dianalisis dan dikupas bagi mencungkil pemikiran politik beliau yang dianggap seorang novelis-nasionalis berpengaruh. Sebelum ini kebanyakan sarjana hanya cenderung melihat peranannya dalam sejarah politik sehingga meminggirkan sumbangannya dalam mengisi rentetan sejarah kesusasteraan Melayu moden tanah air. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menambah khazanah kajian berkaitan Ahmad Boestamam selain boleh dijadikan bahan rujukan penyelidik sastera dan sains politik.

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